Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  145 Congress Street Rumford, Maine 04276


Recycling Bins


The Town of Rumford encourages all residents to recycle as many items as possible. All recycled materials are sold to organizations that use materials for other purposes.

The towns of Byron, Dixfield, Mexico, Peru, Roxbury and Rumford are part of the Northern Oxford Regional Solid Waste Board. Each town pays an assessment for the removal of trash to NORSWB. When items are recycled, NORSWB is paid for the material by vendors who recycle the materials.

In 2023 the Solid Waste Board received $125,514.94 in revenue from recycling. If we had instead transported and deposited this material to a landfill the cost would have been $73,660.53. By recycling, the Town realized a gain of $125,514.94 plus the decrease in costs of $73,660.53, giving a net gain of $199,175.47. Recycling reduces all property owner’s tax bills. More importantly, these efforts also help to decrease the amount of materials that go into landfills that future generations will need to address as time goes by.

Recycle bins are available for town residents at the Town Office. There is no charge for one bin, additional bins are $10.00 each. The Recyclable Material information sheet lists the many items that we recycle. We encourage everyone to use reusable cloth bags for groceries and to avoid the use of Styrofoam products. Currently, we do not recycle plastic bags, however, some local grocery stores do accept plastic bags to recycle.

If your recycle bin has become damaged and unusable, please recycle it and stop into the Town Office for a replacement at no cost. We will also replace lost bins.